标旗企业股份有限公司: 欧美成衣制造商,各产品品牌进出口贸商及自有品牌及代理商 晶和洋行股份有限公司: 食品进出口业务及经销商 中华天合优选食品有限公司:生鲜食品进出口业务及经销商 婕利宝生物科技有限公司:医疗用品机械采购进出口业务 官网上面只贴上象征性品牌产品,若须查询任何产品请直接以邮件方式或来电与国外业务部黄小姐联络,谢谢! Email: kashnco@kashnco.com 公司电话请拨打: +886-2-27017272 分机 16 亲爱的客户您好, 标旗企业股份有限公司五十多年来为殷实外销成衣厂商,工厂遍及国内外,主要出口国为欧洲义大利、西班牙、土耳其、英国及美国、加拿大等。 因应亚洲市场需求,也由各国进口各项产品到台湾及大陆市场,并代理义大利知名服装、皮包、化妆保养品名牌等。 近几十年来因关注食品健康及安全理念之提升,标旗企业另成立晶和洋行有限公司及中华天合优选食品有限公司于各国投资设厂并且进口优质生鲜食品(牛、羊、猪、鸡)肉、罐头食品、各类有机健康食品如麦片(Cereal、Granola、Muesli、Porridge)、有机坚果奶/酱、优格、冰淇淋、有机坚果、健康零食、抹茶制品及受健身人士欢迎的各类运动食品..等,销售主力市场为中国大陆、台湾及东南亚 食品方面主要进口区域是欧洲大陆,以义大利、德国、荷兰、西班牙、奥地利、波兰东欧各国,还有纽西兰、澳洲及东南亚如泰国、马来西亚、韩国、日本等为主;生鲜食品主要从中南美各国,俄罗斯及纽西兰、澳洲进口。 2006年之后陆续成为1922年成立于义大利Fuchs亚洲区代理,1968成立的Lameri集团亚洲代理,1853年成立的Mercanti集团亚洲总代理及制造商; 2018年100%持有纽西兰Suki Bakery Ltd.所有品牌及经销权,为Suki Bakery及LOWREY之全球总公司及总品牌代理经销。专营Suki Bakery优格粉、冰淇淋粉、松饼粉、高品质奶粉、婴儿饼干等;及100%起司常温乳酪球、减肥代餐奶昔、生酮饼干、LOWREY奶酥饼干等产品。 **有关Suki Bakary Ltd.旗下品牌Suki Bakery与Lowrey之相关业务联络,请至专门信箱: Suki Bakery: contact@sukibakery.biz Lowrey: contact@lowreynewzealand.co **有关生鲜肉品 (进口到中国或台湾)及海鲜产品之相关业务联络,请联络中华天合优选食品有限公司之专门信箱: kashnco@kashnco.com 将有专人马上为您服务,谢谢 本公司在义大利经济贸易文化推广办事处(ITA-Italian Trade Agency)的联络如下: http://www.italyintaiwan.com/kash-co-ltd 除了Suki Bakery及Lowrey自营经销之产品,标旗企业及晶和洋行所有进口产品只专供给大盘经销商、供应商、连锁商店、餐厅、网路店商平台,及食品工厂等。 另外,因标旗企业家族在医疗机构系统的合作关系,应各国外代理需求,美国婕利宝生物科技有限公司并代理医疗用品及器材采购进出口业务。 Kash & Co. Ltd. as a textile manufacturer for more than 50 years and the major export countries are Italy, Spain, Turkey, England, USA, Canada. In response to the arising needs of the Asian markets, we started importing all kinds of livestock and dry food products to China, Taiwan and South Asia since 2006. We are also the agent of some well-known Italian fashion, purse, and cosmetics brands in Asia. In addition, due to the food safety and healthy life concept, we set up another company P & A Co., Ltd. and SINAE TSG FOOD to import livestock, like beef, pork and chicken from Central and South America , Australia and New Zealand which handled by our agents in local countries, also import the canned food and a variety of organic food such as cereals (Cereal, Granola, Muesli, Porridge), organic jam and butter (nuts and fruit jam), all variety of organic nuts, yogurt, ice cream powder, healthy snacks, and fitness supplement. The major import countries are Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Japan, and Korea. In 2018, Kash & Co. merged Suki Bakery Ltd. New Zealand, and took over all the brands and distribution rights of Suki Bakery and Lowrey since. The contact information of our company in ITA-Italian Trade Agency listed as follow: http://www.italyintaiwan.com/kash-co-ltd Besides the self-distribution of certain Suki Bakery and Lowrey’s products, Kash & Co. only supplies to chain stores, supermarkets, restaurants, online platforms, central kitchens and food industrials in Asia. In addition, due to the cooperative relationship between the family of Kash & Co. in the medical institution system, Oakbiotec, LLC in United States also acts as the agent for the procurement and import and export of medical supplies and equipment in response to the needs of foreign agents. |